As everyone else, we have been looking around for the right cabin. As we both have two kids, size matters! But so does the price... All in all with dog and cat we'll be a familiy of 8 (would have been 9 but "Doffen har daua":) and we hope to be able to invite friends and familiy too so we need a lot of beds... We first looked at cabins that would accomodate all needs, but have decided to rather build something smaller and cheaper now, and leave room for an anneks later. So as several other cabin builders blogging these days ( we have ended up with Familiehytta. Although they don't know it yet, so we are probably losing the upper hand now that the news is out there... Anyway, we are going for their model called Rondane with some adjustments here and there. We plan to get the guy who sold us the land to arrange everything with putting it up, plumbers, electrician etc. All of the interior I will do myself. As my mum said; "yes it is only 2 years since you worked your a** off to build your house, so it is about time you start building something again." Truth is I enjoy doing it. Building something is very satisfying, use my hands (and head), and the results are very visible and lasting. Therapy for a guy that is normally stuck in an office...
So this is what we will end up with (but don't tell the people at Familiehytta before we have signed the contract :-)

Skal ikke si noe til Familiehytta, men er ganske sikker på du får et bra tilbud derfra :) Gratulerer med flott hytteprosjekt og svært lovende blogg! Gøy at flere "kontorrotter" prøver seg som håndtverkere på fritiden og lar oss andre følge med i prosessen :)