tirsdag 12. mai 2009

"Lies, damned lies and statistics" (M. Twain)

Contract with Familiehytta in the mailbox today, phone call from the coordinator of the building process last night, confirming that things are moving forward:)

While we wait I found some interesting facts about norwegians and their habit of having a second home:
- There are 418.000 cabins in Norway
- 55% of all Norwegians have access to a second home
- 6000 cabins are built a year (prob a little less now.....)
- Average use is 36 days a year
And finally average price/value is 1.4 mill NOK. Which is pretty much our budget so I guess we'll end up with a average cabin:) Although I guess all the palaces and castles that have been built around the major ski resorts the last 10-15 years ruin the statistics somewhat...

It would be interesting to know what the main motivation for having a cabin is. Pretty sure the majority buy one to get away, and closer to nature, but pretty sure many do it because "every one else got one". But few would probably confess that...

Anyway, soon there will be 418.001 cabins in Norway and I hope we will be able to keep the average number of days usage up!!