BUT, It was super fun to see that things actually are moving!! The cabin has up to now been just "something that we will do later" and we have been so busy moving in togehter and travelling to apartement in Spain that it was an almost unreal feeling standing there and seeing that "hey, they are building a cabin for us here!!"
In the car on my way up there today I was thinking it was a shame that I couldn't fill the car with stuff to bring up there as long as I was taking the trip anyway. When I got up there I was thinking it was a shame that there were nothing for me to do up there and my fingers started to itch. Ask me 6 months from now if I feel the same... First delivery of cabin due August 17th so guessing that from mid september it will be ready for me and some solid amounts of elbow grease and DIY. FUN!!!
PS: Hope they get the Bob Cat out of there again btw, not sure it will fit in the finished living room...